Unfortunately for my bank account, Estes keeps putting out fine products at a faster pace than in the past. Their latest, the Mars Leaper, was delivered by the postman today, and I must say it is unusual. Imagine a lightweight foam space person in a rocket pack, stabilized by 3 long and thin hollow plastic rods - that's the Leaper. Powered by a 13mm Estes A10 motor, it's expected to reach about 75 feet before kicking the motor casing and falling gently to the ground. At least that's the plan - we'll see what the flight tests produce.
Which would be happening this weekend if the city will get around to mowing Pegasus field - it's normally done by this time. But I'm not holding my breath...
The Mars Leaper in the box - Estes really has some first rate packaging (Click to enlarge)!
The parts, including the two piece rods and their connectors. 3 pieces of scotch tape is all that is needed to get this puppy ready to fly (Click to enlarge). |
Where the motor goes - that's gotta hurt! (Click to enlarge)
The Mars Leaper in its flight configuration (Click to enlarge).
Motor goes where da sun don' shine. And that "kneeling" pose...